
So why would we want to start a blog and why would anyone care what we think?   Well its simple, we LOVE to seek out independent restaurants, wherever we are, and we love to try different dishes and we also love to travel.   We also love telling our friends and family about where we have been and what we have tried that is new.   So much so that we started getting messages asking for recommendations of where to go and what’s good.

8 years ago I met my husband on a blind date.  From the first time we met we never turned back. Although we have our differences of what we like to do, as with all couples, we also found a passion of trying out new things, new places and sharing those with others.

We love to cook! He really was NOT a foodie at all, but he did like to grill.   Over the years his palette has increased dramatically and together we make a great team of me prepping and him cooking all outdoor items.  (There is a funny story about the grill which I will tell another time).  I have historically been a recipe saver throughout the years.   So much so that my kids used to say “Can we just have normal food?”   Which to them meant the basic burgers, spaghetti, pizza, etc.  People used to say I was a good cook and I would respond, well I am a good recipe reader.  However I was in the food business for a while and had to take recipes and adjust them, or put a different spin on them, etc.   It really taught me how to use some creativity when making a dish and now I would say I am a good recipe enhancer.

We also love to travel! We are now at the age where we want to see the world - well somewhat. We won’t bore you with too many details of our travels but we tend to seek out some of the fun different things to do as well as fun places to dine.

Our blog is meant to be totally positive. Almost every place we go or eat has something that we truly enjoyed. We will share with you some of the positives we have encountered. I hope you enjoy our stories and our food. Feel free to contact us at any time with questions, comments, etc.   We would love to hear from you.