Orzo with Butternut Squash

With fall here, butternut squash recipes are always our favorites. We made this dish last night which was quick, made a great presentation and was very tasty. We paired it with some grilled pork chops but it would be a great side with just about anything - especially something grilled. We hope you enjoy it!.

Serves 6

1 large tub cubed butternut squash (or 2 fresh squash cubed)

¾ cup dried cranberries

¼ cup raisins

1 cup uncooked orzo pasta

½ tsp nutmeg

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp coarse kosher or sea salt

3 tbs pure maple syrup (we used a cinnamon flavor)

4 tbs olive oil

2 tbs balsamic vinegar

Preheat oven 400.   Like a baking sheet with foil and lightly grease with olive oil.

Combine ingredients (nutmeg through vinegar) in a small bowl and stir till combined.   

Put squash in a large bowl and toss with ½ of liquid mixture.  Pour onto the sheet pan, spreading evenly in pan, and bake for 30 minutes until done - stirring once.

Cook orzo in a Dutch oven pot; drain and return to pot and put back on burner that is off.   Add raisins and cranberries and remaining liquid.  Cover with lid and let sit until squash is done.   When squash is cooked, add to the pot of orzo, stir and taste to see if more salt or pepper is needed.

Serve immediately or cool and serve later.


