Rhine River Cruise 2023

We began our 10 day Rhine River Cruise by boarding in Amsterdam.   Unfortunately with our travel arrangements, we were unable to explore this area as our boat left in the evening for Kinderdijk.  But we were excited to be on board and start our adventure.

So let’s begin with the boat.   This was our first river cruise and as we do not like large cruise ships, we did a long boat.  We got a french balcony room as per the advice of others - other boats sometimes dock next to you so you are not able to sit outside, and also there are so many places to sit outside and in, the extra room and cost was not necessary.   The rooms are small but very efficient.   We brought 2 large and 1 small suitcase and we found room for it all and then stored the cases under the bed.   We will let you know at the end of the trip how our packing was.

The boat is beautiful.    Lots of outside seating, indoor seating all around.  Breakfast, lunch and dinners are all included, both as a quick n grab or as a full meal.   Dinner and lunch include wine and beer.  There is entertainment in the evening and sometimes demonstrations during the day.   Our first day there was a 3-piece band.   

We sailed all night which you could barely tell we were moving.   We woke up in Kinderdijk and our event was biking through the Windmills.  The total ride was only 5 miles but our guide was very informative and gave us lots of history on the mills and the area of Kinderdijk.   Taking the ride vs the walking tour just took us out a little farther but also gave us some exercise other than just walking.   We then cruised most of the day so on boat activities took most of the afternoon and evening, and then to our next destination which was Cologne.

Cologne is a city that was almost completely destroyed by the Allies in WW2, however they saved bombing the Cologne Cathedral and used it as a point of reference.   Our tour mostly consisted of the cathedral - which is known for having the remains of the 3 magi, but is also beautiful inside and out.   We took the 536 steps to the top for a scenic view of the city.  On the inside, the stained glass windows are brighter on one side than the other - the duller side being those that were bombed out and had to be replaced.  The Hohenzollern Bridge is full of “love locks” down both the insides and outsides. Cologne has many restaurants to sit outside and have some German fare, Kolsch beer, and people watching.   It is a larger city where the architecture is fairly new and modern, however in the old town center the cobble streets, outdoor restaurants and historical churches give the feel of “old” Germany.

The next day in the morning we toured Koblenz which is a smaller port town, also destroyed in WW2, and rebuilt.  Koblenz has lots of history with different factions taking over during different wars.   Unlike Colone, Koblenz kept lots of its architecture and incorporated it into the new construction.   Also gardens are very important and an emphasis of keeping the beauty of the area.  This the the point where the Rhine and Mosel Rivers meet which was very important for transportation.  Pieces of the Berlin Wall are there as well as a monument to show the unity of the 2 Germanys.   Beautiful old town with shops, churches, mostly Catholic, and cafes.  There is even a fountain where a boy spits every 2 minutes, and in the town square, windows where one opens each day during the Christmas season. Highly recommend the sky lift which takes you over the city.

The afternoon was a cruise down the Rhine to see the castles.  There are 40 castles, all of varying architecture and many with great legend stories.   Vineyards are also prevalent throughout the area on the steep slopes.   This was a beautiful, picturesque area and definitely a site to see.   We had dinner in Rudesheim, another small German town along the Rhine.  Lots of casual restaurants, cobblestone streets, small shops and a relaxed atmosphere.

Back on the ship for an evening of cruising.   As a note - when looking at a map it looks like towns are very close however with the turning and twisting of the river, they could be a hundred miles away and it takes time to get between ports.  Viking does their best to do most of the traveling at night, but on some days it could take 12 hours to get to the next port.  Luckily for us the weather has been beautiful and our group is fun.

We want to share pictures of some of the food we have had on board.   In the AM there are 2 buffets, hot and continental, with lots to choose from.   There is also a menu of additional items to pick.  Lunch and dinner menu have standards as well as other items you can pick from which try to include items true to the region. One of the last nights they had a true German Festival of foods which was a blast. The staff is very efficient, attentive, and we have nothing but good things to say about the crew and food.

Leisurely day in Speyer Germany.   Another laid back German city with lots of history, the large Speyer Cathedral, the division of the Lutherans and Catholics  and yet peaceful, clean and quaint.   Can’t say enough about the cleanliness of the cities, the calmness of the atmosphere and the welcoming of visitors.

After cruising all night we landed in Strasbourg, France.  At first we were not thrilled with the city as our drive through was uneventful.  However seeing the street lined with stork nests at the top of the trees was pretty amazing.   Then we walked to the City Center where there is the  Cathedral de Notre Dame, Strasbourg is surrounded by stores, canals, pastry shops and many outdoor cafes.   The cathedral’s spire can be seen for miles away, the inside is very ornate and colorful.   When they knew the city was going to be bombarded, they removed all the stained glass windows and put them back later.  There is also an astronomical clock with different moving parts on the hour.  If you love pastries, this is your dreamland.  We sat outside and had a tart flambé which had the thinnest crust ever and is topped with onion, cheese and other various toppings.  The city is also considered a “canal city” like Venice.  These canals are lined with German and French architecture and very picturesque.  

Sailed again and then did a 24 mile ride up to and in the Black Forest.  We stopped along the way at a small store and restaurant to try their Black Forest Cake (which most agreed was the best they had tried), along with some quiche and coffees.   Then back on the bikes to the town of Staufen for lunch and shopping around the town.  The final climb was mostly uphill through the forest.   We ended up at a farmhouse with cattle, chickens, homemade distilled beverages, a restaurant, church (which the neighbors all built so they would have somewhere for masses), and a store.  For us the ride would have been extremely challenging towards the end,  but with electric bikes, all 17 of us made it to the top.  The guides were very impressed.

After a farewell dinner, and night sailing, everyone disembarked the ship to either home flights or further destinations.   We headed to Lucerne for 2 days.  We cannot say enough about this city.  It's vibrant,  clean, and beautifully laid out, on Lake Lucerne with Swiss Alps in the background.  We did the walking tour  to  learn some history and to get our bearings, and then we ventured out to explore the city for lunch, shopping and dinner on our own.   It was a great 2 days.   We took the cable car up to the top of Mt. Pilatus which gave beautiful views of the mountains and the city.   Then off to Chateau Guetsch, which is now a hotel,  for a drink at their outdoor bar.   Quick note about this castle, Michael Jackson wanted to buy it but was denied because he wanted to put a heliport in.   We had dinner at a couple of restaurants, watched the boats on the lake, and spent our last couple of days relaxing and getting mentally ready for our return home.

All and all it was a great trip.   How we ended up with 10 days of nice weather is unbelievable.   That was the hardest part of our packing as it could be cold and it could be hot, so we had to bring extra clothes to cover any type of weather.   Viking does have their act together and things run pretty much like clockwork.   You can balance your excursions with free time, however sailing does make some days more restrictive than others.   We did not buy the drink package because of the wine and beer with meals, however when we did buy drinks they were affordable.  We also did not spend a lot of extra money on food, drinks, etc, off the ship.  Whether you take the trip alone, or with a group, you will meet many new friends on the trip.

Every place we visited was clean, safe, and an education into European culture.   For our first trip to Europe, we learned a lot and loved every minute. Here are a few pics of our group.


Willamette Valley Oregon 2023
